As partners in our journey, we invite you to join us in supporting the vision and activities of Lev Tel Aviv. Together, let us illuminate the path towards a brighter future for Torah learning, Jewish unity, and meaningful military service.
Right in the heart of Tel Aviv, we strive to cultivate an authentic Jewish identity rooted in spiritual growth and cultural engagement. Our goal is to foster unity among diverse Jewish souls, empower them to fulfill their unique potential, and contribute to the collective destiny of the Jewish people.
Your support is crucial to sustain our mission. With many students exempt now from tuition due to military service, our many expenses have created a financial strain.
Although we receive assistance from the government, it’s not nearly enough. We hope to strengthen and expand our Kollel ahead of our student’s return from Reserve Duty, but we mainly rely on donations to fund scholarships, accommodate student needs, rent housing, supply ongoing maintenance, provide therapy treatments, and expand our educational programs.
We offer the option for one-time donations, as well as monthly recurring contributions to support our scholars and students. Donations made via the link below will go directly to our yeshiva. All forms of support are greatly appreciated.
If I'd like to send a check, to where can I send it?Please send all checks to: 9 Herman Ha'Cohen Street, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Is this donation tax deductible?Yeshiva Lev Tel Aviv is registered under Yair Uriel Institute (NPO) and is a tax-exempt organization. Your donation is tax-deductible in Israel, the US, Canada, Australia, the UK and the EU. To claim a donation as a deduction on your taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We'll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation.
What is Yeshiva Lev Tel Aviv's tax ID (EIN) number for my Donor Advised Fund or IRA?Yeshiva Lev Tel Aviv is registered under Yair Uriel Institute (NPO), and our IRS tax ID number is 580537918.
Voice of ProphecyAn introduction to the concept of ‘Thought’ and ‘Israelite Thought,’ providing an entry point to the world of prophecy.
Parsha of the WeekWeekly lessons on the Torah portion, offering insights from Hasidic and Israeli perspectives, held every Thursday ahead of Shabbat.
The Temple MountDiscuss the significance of the Aliyah to the Temple Mount and the spiritual importance of the temple today. Address questions about entering the site and learn about appropriate worship practices, both national and international.
The AmoraimEngage in topical Halachic investigations led by the Amoraim.
Holy LightsInvestigate the spiritual world we live in and uncover its secrets.
Revisions to RamchalStudy the rich and full spiritual world of the Ramchal and the spiritual light arriving in the world in preparation for redemption.
Ethics of your FatherDelve into existential questions of self-discovery: Who am I? How do I discover myself as a soul? How do I get to know myself in order to correct myself?
Eldad and MedadExplore matters of spiritual inquiry inspired by prophetic figures Eldad and Medad.
Rabbis of the EastMeet the sages of Spain, Yemen, North Africa and the East, exploring their history, culture, teachings and spiritual style.
Introduction to GemaraLearn the basics of Mishnah and Gemara, the Tannaim and Amoraim, the generational order, jurisprudence, methods of inquiry.
Berakhot (Tractate) StudyLearn the rules of prayers, including the Shema and the Amidah, and blessings for various circumstances. This class involves Talmud and Rishonim discussions on the Tractate.
Lights of the TorahExplore what defines the Torah, how we study it, and the right way to engage with it.
The KuzariExamine the Book of the Khazar as the basis for Jewish thought. Discover the people of Israel and learn the foundation of the Jewish national thought.